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Quick start tutorial🔗

The first thing you probably want to after installing the plugin is to check out how it's working. If you want to use inventory GUI open config.yml and change default_conversation_IO to chest, save the file and issue /q reload command on the server.

Now log in and place somewhere in the world a block of stained clay. On top of it put a head (can be a Creeper's head), and on the side of the clay block place a sign. Write this on first and second line:


Done. Now right-click on the NPC's head. The conversation should start. If it did not, check if you correctly built the NPC. Ask the Innkeeper for some quests. He will tell you to cut some trees. If you want, type /journal to get the journal and see a new entry. Now, don't try to place any wood blocks. BetonQuest will detect that and increase the number of blocks to destroy. Just go and find some trees. Cut them down and if you're in creative mode, give yourself 16 blocks of wood. Now you can return to Innkeeper and give him the wood. You will receive the reward.

Using events and conditions🔗

Now that you know how a (very) simple quest looks like time to start learning how to write something similar. Let's start with events. We won't do conversations just now, since they heavily use events and conditions, so you need to know them first. You can read complete reference to events in the Reference chapter. Do that now or just continue with this tutorial.


Let's just open events.yml file inside the default package. At the end add a new line:

foo: message Hello world!

This is an event instruction. BetonQuest will use it to determine what type of event it is and what exactly should it do. foo is the name, message is the type and Hello world! tells the message type what it needs to display. In this case, if you run foo event, it will display to you Hello world! message. Now save the file, issue /q reload command and run the event with /q e {name} foo command (q is shortcut for quest, e is shortcut for event, {name} is your Minecraft name without the brackets and foo is the name of the event we've just created). It should show you white Hello world! message in the chat.

Let's create another event, more complicated one. teleport seems complicated enough. As you can read in the Events list, it needs a single argument, the location. Press F3 and check out your current location (it's shown on the left, three numbers, x, y and z). Now add in events.yml another line:

bar: teleport 100;200;300;world

and replace 100 with your x coordinate, 200 with y and 300 with z. world needs to be replaced with your current world's name. Save the file, reload the plugin and run this event with a command described before. It should teleport you to the location you have specified.

Congratulations, you have just created your first events. Go ahead and do some experiments with other event types. You can find them in Events list chapter. Once you're done let's start learning conditions.


Open the conditions.yml file and add there a new line:

foo: location 100;200;300;world;5

Can you see how we named the foo condition in the same way as the foo event? They are not connected in any way. Condition names and event names are separated, so you can give them the same name without any problems. Now let's look at the instruction string. As you can suspect, location is a type of the condition. This one means that we'll be checking if the player is near that location (you should change the location to the place where you're standing right now, so you don't have to run around the world). Note that at the end of location argument there is an additional number, 5. This is the maximum distance you can be away from the location to meet the condition. Alright, save the file and reload the plugin.

Now walk to the location you have defined in the condition. Try to stand on the exact block corresponding to that location. Issue /q c {name} foo command (c is shortcut for condition). It should show you "checking condition blah blah blah: true". We're focusing on that last word, true. This means that you're meeting the condition: you're standing withing 5 block radius of the location. Now move 2 blocks away and issue that command again. You should still be meeting the condition. Walk 4 more blocks away and try now. It should show false. You are now outside of that 5 block radius. Get it? Great.

Now I'll show you the simplest use of those conditions. Open the events.yml file again, and at the end of foo instruction add conditions:foo argument. By the way, rename foo event to baz, so the names won't get confusing. Now you should have something like

baz: message Hello world! conditions:foo

Now baz event will run only if it meets foo condition. Reload the plugin, walk outside of the 5 block radius and try to run baz event. Puff, nothing happens. It's because you're not meeting foo condition. Walk into the radius again and try to run that event now. It should happily display the Hello world! message.

It's very nice that we can add such conditions, but the problem is: what if you wanted to display the message only if the player is outside the radius? Don't worry, you don't have to specify inverted_location condition or anything like that. You can simply negate the condition. Negation makes the condition behave in the exact opposite way, in this case it foo will be met only if the player is outside of the 5 block radius, and it won't be met if he's inside. Open the events.yml and add an exclamation mark before the foo condition, so it looks like

baz: message Hello world! conditions:!foo

This means "display message Hello world! if the foo condition is not met". Save the file, reload the plugin and run the event inside and outside of the radius to see how it works.

Basic tags🔗

Now that you know how to use events and conditions I'll show you what tags are. Create new events:

add_beton_tag: tag add beton
del_beton_tag: tag del beton

It's a good practice to give your events names that describe what they are doing. Imagine you have 100 events, foo24, bar65, baz12 etc. You would get lost pretty quickly. So, add_beton_tag event here simply adds beton tag to the player, del_beton_tag removes it. Save the file, reload the plugin and run this event. Nothing happens... or does it? Issue /q t {name} command (t is shortcut for tags). It should show you a list with few entries. Right now focus on default.beton, the rest are used by the default quest for Innkeeper. Alright, default is the name of the package in which the tag is, and beton is the name of the tag, as defined in add_beton_tag event. Now run del_beton_tag event. Guess what, default.beton disappeared from the list! And that's it, you know how to add and remove tags. Pretty useless.

Nothing could be more wrong. Tags are one the most powerful things in BetonQuest. They just need to be used with tag condition. Open conditions.yml and add

has_beton_tag: tag beton

line. As you can imagine, tag is the type of a condition (the same as tag event, but these are not the same things - one is an event, the other one is a condition) and beton is the name of the tag. You don't have to specify default.beton, but you can if you want. Now save, reload and check it with a command. It should show false, since you have removed the tag with del_beton_tag event. Add it again with add_beton_tag event and check the has_beton_tag condition again. Now it will show true.

Now you probably understand how powerful this system is. You could for example set a tag on the first time the player talks with an NPC, and if the NPC sees that tag next time they talk, he will tell something different, like "welcome back".

Creating objectives🔗

Time to write some objectives! Open the objectives.yml file and add a new line:

kill_creepers: mobkill creeper 3 events:bar conditions:has_beton_tag

Now let's analyze it. kill_creepers is a name of the objective. mobkill is a type. In this case, to complete the objective the player will have to kill some mobs. creeper is a type of the mob, so we know that these mobs will have to be Creepers. 3 is the amount. It means that the player has to kill 3 Creepers. events:bar means than once the player kills those Creepers, the bar event will be run (it's the teleportation event). conditions:has_beton_tag tells us that the player will have to have beton tag while killing Creepers to complete the objective. Save it, reload the plugin and issue /q o {name} add kill_creepers command (o is for objective, add tells the plugin to add an objective).

Now you can check if you actually have this objective with /q o {name} command, it will show you all your active objectives. It should show default.kill_creepers. Alright, remove (yes, remove!) the beton tag from you and find some Creepers to kill. Once you killes 3 of them you will notice that nothing happened. It's because has_beton_tag condtion is not met, so the objective does not count your progress. Now add the tag again and kill another Creepers. When the third is dead you should be teleported to the location defined in bar event.

Congratulations, now you know how to use objectives. You should experiment with other types now, since objectives will be used very often in your quests. Once you're done check out the Writing your first conversation chapter to use your knowledge to write your fisrt conversation.

Writing your first conversation🔗

Now that you have seen BetonQuest in action and understood events, conditions and objectives, it's time for writing your first conversation. There's a conversations directory inside the default package. It contains a single file, innkeeper.yml. This is the conversation with Innkeeper, the one who asks you to cut some trees. Open it, we'll use that for reference. Now create a new file, let's say miner.yml. Now type (don't copy-paste it, you'll learn better while typing) that into the file:

quester: Miner
first: greeting
    text: Hi there, traveler!

It's the most basic conversation possible. The NPC named Miner upon starting the conversation will use greeting option, which means he will say Hi there, traveler!. Then the conversation will end, because there are no player options defined.

Now you need to link the conversation with an NPC. You do that in the main.yml file. Open it now. As you can see, inkeeper.yml conversation is linked to Innkeeper word. It's the one you have put on the sign, remember? Now, add another line under the Innkeeper: Miner: miner.yml, save the file and reload the server. This will link our new conversation with the NPC named "Miner". Construct a new NPC on the server, give him a sign with "Miner" name and click on the head.

Guess what, the conversation finished right after it started. The Miner just said Hi there, traveler!, as expected. Now go to the conversation file and edit it (again, manually, no copy-paste!) so the options look like this:

    text: Hi there, traveler!
    pointers: hello, bye
    text: Hello!
    text: I need to go, sorry.

When you save the file, reload the plugin and start the conversation again you will notice that there are two options for you to choose: Hello! and I need to go, sorry. Choosing any of them will end the conversation, because these options did not specify any pointers.

Now add a new NPC option, for example weather with text Nice weather. and make hello player option point to it. When you save&reload, the Miner should say Nice weather. when you tell him Hello!. I think you get how it works.

    text: Hi there, traveler!
    pointers: hello, bye
    text: Nice weather.
    text: Hello!
    pointer: weather
    text: I need to go, sorry.

Now, every time you talk to the Miner, he will say the same thing. It would be nice if the second time you talk to him he knew your name. We can do that with tags. Define a meet_miner event and has_met_miner condition. When you talk to the Miner for the first time, he will check if you have met him. If not, he will meet you (with that event) and next time you talk, the condition will be passed and he will use your name.

Now, rename greeting NPC option to first_greeting. Add meet_miner event and negated has_met_miner condition (negated because this option should only show if the player has not met the Miner yet). You will need to surround the condition with '', because strings cannot start with exclamation marks in YAML. It should look like this:

first: first_greeting
    text: Hi there, traveler!
    condition: '!has_met_miner'
    event: meet_miner
    pointers: hello, bye 

This means: first_greeting should be used if the player does not pass has_met_miner condition (meaning he doesn't have a tag because he haven't talked to the NPC yet). When this option is used, it will fire meet_miner event and display hello and bye options. Alright, but what happens if the player met the Miner and now negated has_met_miner condition doesn't work? NPC will try to use next option defined in first setting. There is none yet, so let's add it.

first: first_greeting, regular_greeting
    text: Hi %player%!
    pointers: hello, bye

This option does not have any conditions, so if the first_greeting fails, the NPC will always choose this one. Now take a look at the %player% thing. It's a variable. In this place it will show your name. There are more than this one, they are described in Reference chapter. Alright, save&reload and start the conversation. If you did everything correctly, the Miner should greet you as a "traveler", and the second time you talk to him, he should greet you with your Minecraft name.

Here's the whole conversation you created, so you can check if you understood everything correctly:

    first: first_greeting, regular_greeting
        text: Hi there, traveler!
        condition: '!has_met_miner'
        event: meet_miner
        pointers: hello, bye 
        text: Hi %player%!
        pointers: hello, bye
        text: Nice weather.
        text: Hello!
        pointer: weather
        text: I need to go, sorry.

Now you should experiment some more with this conversation, you can help yourself by looking at the innkeeper.yml file. Try to understand how that conversation works step by step. As the excercise you should complete the Miner NPC, so he asks you to mine some iron ore, then smelt it in the furnace, next craft an armor with it and return to him wearing this armor.

You might want to check out the Reference chapter to see how to handle items in your quests and how to add entries to the journal. If you want to use Citizens NPCs instead of the ones made with clay you will find information you need in that chapter too. To find out more about events, conditions, objectives and variables, take a look at the appropriate lists (after the Reference chapter).

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