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The configuration of BetonQuest is mainly done in the config.yml file. All of its options are described on this page. There is also additional information about backups, updates and database transfers. If you fail to understand options just keep their default values. You can always change them when you have gained a more complete understanding of this plugin.

Config Options๐Ÿ”—


Do not touch version: option! It may corrupt your files!

MySQL Database๐Ÿ”—


In order to use a MySQL Database for saving all the data you need to fill out the mysql config section.

  enabled: true   #Set this to true.
  host: ''        #This is the IP of your MySQL server. If it runs on the same machine as your server use localhost or 
  port: ''        #This is the port your MySQL server runs on.
  user: ''        #The name of the database user that is used to connect to the database server.
  pass: ''        #The password of that user.
  base: ''        #The database that BetonQuest will write to. You need to create it in your database server.
  prefix: betonquest_  #The table prefix of BetonQuest's data in the database.

Migrating a database from SQLite to MySQL and back๐Ÿ”—

Follow these few simple steps to migrate your database easily:

  1. Create a backup with /q backup command.
  2. Extract database backup from it.
  3. Turn the server off.
  4. Place the database-backup.yml file inside the plugin's directory.
  5. Edit which database type you want to use by setting the enabled option in the mysql section to true or false.
  6. Start the server.
  7. Check for errors.
  8. If there are no errors, enjoy your migrated database.
  9. If there are any errors, post them to the developer or try to fix them if you know how.

Default Language๐Ÿ”—

language: is the default translation of the plugin for every new player. Currently, there are 9 languages available: English (en), Polish (pl), German (de), French (fr), Spanish (es), Chinese (cn), Dutch (nl), Italian (it) and Hungarian (hu).


The update section controls the Auto-Updater. It has the following settings:

  • enabled (default true). Enables or disables the Updater. If set to false, it is not possible to update with the updater and no version checks are executed.
  • strategy (default MINOR). The update strategy is the most important feature of the Auto-Updater. An explanation is available here.
  • automatic (default true). If true the updater will download new Versions automatically. Otherwise, the updater will only download new versions when the update command is executed.

Journal slots๐Ÿ”—

default_journal_slot is the inventory slot in which the journal will appear after using the /journal command. BetonQuest will try to move items out of the way if the slot is occupied. If the inventory is full the journal will not be added. You can disable this behaviour by setting the option to -1. BetonQuest will then just use any free slot.

Citizens identifier๐Ÿ”—

citizens_npcs_by_name sets whether NPCs from Citizens 2 should be identified in main.yml by their name instead of their id. This is a dangerous setting as two different NPC's at the opposite edges of your world that share the same name by accident will trigger the same quest.

Citizens left click๐Ÿ”—

acceptNPCLeftClick activates that a conversation with an NPC can also be started by left clicking the NPC and not only by right clicking the NPC.

Citizens interact limit๐Ÿ”—

npcInteractionLimit prevents NPC / BetonQuest conversation click spamming. The time's unit is milliseconds. Default value: 500

Conversation End Distance๐Ÿ”—

max_npc_distance is the distance you need to walk away from the NPC for the conversation to end (in the case of using chat-based conversation interface).

Default conversation style๐Ÿ”—

default_conversation_IO is a comma-separated list of conversation interfaces with the first valid one used. Read this page for more information about conversation interfaces.

Default Chat interceptor๐Ÿ”—

default_interceptor is a comma-separated list of chat interceptors with the first valid one used. Read this page for more information about chat interceptors.

Conversation Chat Display options๐Ÿ”—

display_chat_after_conversation this will prevent all chat messages from displaying during a conversation and it will show them once it's finished.

Combat Delay๐Ÿ”—

combat_delay is a delay (in seconds) the player must wait before starting a conversation after combat.

Conversation pullback message๐Ÿ”—

notify_pullback will display a message every time the player is pulled back by the stop option in conversations (in the case of chat-based conversations). It notifies players that they are in a conversation, and the pullback is not a bug.

Default Package name๐Ÿ”—

default_package is a name of the package that should be used when a package is not specified in /q command. This is for your convenience.

Adjusting the backpack to the KeepInventory gamerule๐Ÿ”—

remove_items_after_respawn option should be turned on if "keepInventory" gamerule is not being used. It prevents other plugins from duplicating quest items after death.

When a player dies, their quest items are removed from drops and stored in the backpack, but some plugins may try to restore all items to the player (for example WorldGuard custom flag keep-inventory). That is why BetonQuest removes the quest items that are in a player's inventory after they respawn again, to be sure they were not readded. The "keepInventory" gamerule, however, works differently - the items are never dropped, so they cannot be added to backpack. Removing them from the inventory would destroy them forever. Sadly, Bukkit does not allow for gamerule checking, so it is up to you to decide.

Once again, if you have "keepInventory" gamerule true, this setting has to be false and vice versa.

Quest Items break behaviour๐Ÿ”—

quest_items_unbreakable controls whether quest items can be broken by using them. This was used in the past when the unbreakable tag couldn't be added to items. Turn it off and make your quest items unbreakable by vanilla means.

Player Hider interval๐Ÿ”—

player_hider_check_interval the interval in which the PlayerHider checks the conditions and updates the player's visibility. Cannot be disabled currently. If you want this to be semi-disabled set a very high value.

NPC Hider interval๐Ÿ”—

npc_hider_check_interval is the interval in which the NPCHider checks the conditions and updates the NPC's visibility. Cannot be disabled currently. If you want this to be semi-disabled set a very high value.


This section defines what sounds will be played on these occasions:

  • start and end refer to start and end points of conversations.
  • journal is played upon updating the journal.
  • update is played when there is a changelog file, used to draw your attention.
  • full is played when the player executes /journal but his inventory is full.

A list of all possible sounds for the latest Minecraft version can be found here.

Conversation Command Banlist๐Ÿ”—

cmd_blacklist is a list of commands that cannot be used during a conversation. Remember that you can only type single words (command names) here!

Compatibility Hooks๐Ÿ”—

hook controls compatibility with other plugins. You can turn off each hook here.


journal controls various settings of the journal:

  • chars_per_page is the number of characters before a page break. If it is set too high, the text on a journal page can overflow and become invisible. This was replaced by chars_per_line and lines_per_page and is only required if you don't like the new behaviour.
  • chars_per_line is the number of characters before a line break. If it is set too high, the text on a journal page can overflow and become invisible. If this is not set, BQ will fall back on the old page wrapping behaviour configured through chars_per_page.
  • lines_per_page is the number of lines before a new page. If it is set too high, the text on a journal page can overflow and become invisible. This is only required if chars_per_line is set.
  • one_entry_per_page makes each entry take a single page. Note that it will not expand to other pages even if it overflows, so keep your entries short.
  • reversed_order controls the chronological order of entries in the journal. By default, the entries are ordered from newest to oldest. It is reversible, but this will force players to click through many pages to get to the most recent entry.
  • hide_date hides the date of each entry. Set it to true if you don't want this functionality.
  • full_main_page makes the main page always take a full page. If a lot of information is being displayed, it is advised to make this true. If you use the main page only for small notifications, set it to false, so the entries can follow immediately.
  • show_separator shows a separator between journal entries (default: true). Customize the separator in messages.yml with the key journal_separator.

Journal Colors๐Ÿ”—

journal_colors controls the colors used in the journal. It takes color codes without the & character.

  • is the day number
  • date.hour is the hour number
  • line is the delimiter between entries
  • text is the text of the entry

Conversation Colors๐Ÿ”—

conversation_colors controls the colors of the conversation. It takes color names. If you want to add a font style (bold, italic etc.) do so after placing a comma.

  • npc is the name of the NPC
  • player is the name of the player
  • text is the NPC's text
  • answer is the text of player's answer (after choosing it)
  • number is the option number
  • option is the text of an option

Conversation Settings: ChestIO๐Ÿ”—

  • conversation_IO_config manages settings for individual conoversation IO's:
    • chest manages settings for the chest conversation IO
      • show_number will show the player number option if true (default: true)
      • show_npc_text will show the npc text in every player option if true (default: true)

Misc settings๐Ÿ”—

  • date_format is the Java date format used in journal dates. It needs to have a space between the day and hour.
  • debug is responsible for logging the plugin's activity to debug.log file in logs directory. Turning this on can slow your server down. However, if you experience any errors, turn this on and let the plugin gather the data and send logs to the developer. Note that the first run of the plugin will be logged anyway, just as a precaution.