This objective completes when the player clicks on the given block type. The first argument is the type of the click,
it can be right, left or any. Next is a Block Selector or any if you
want to count all clicks, even into the air. You can also specify the loc: argument, followed by the standard location
format and the range: followed by a number (or variable). The specified location is the center of a sphere, the range it's radius.
Therefore, these arguments define where the clicked block needs to be, as opposed to "where you must be" in location condition.
If you add the argument cancel, the click will be canceled (chest will not open, button will not be pressed etc.).
This objective works great with the location condition and the item in hand condition to further limit the counted clicks.
One could make a magic wand using this.
The objective contains one property, location. It's a string formatted like X: 100, Y: 200, Z:300. It does not
show the radius.
action right DOOR conditions:holding_key loc:100;200;300;world range:5action any any conditions:holding_magicWand events:fireSpell#Custom click listener for a wand
To complete this objective the player needs to shoot the arrow into the target. There are two arguments, location of the
target and precision number (radius around location where the arrow must land, should be small). Note that the position
of an arrow after hit is on the wall of a full block, which means that shooting not full blocks (like heads) won't
give accurate results. Experiment with this objective a bit to make sure you've set the numbers correctly.
The amount of blocks to break / place. Less than 0 for breaking and more than 0 for placing blocks.
Safety Check
Keyword (noSafety)
Safety Check Enabled
The Safety Check prevents faking the objective. The progress will be reduced when the player does to opposite of what they are supposed to do. Example: Player must break 10 blocks. They place 10 of their stored blocks. Now the total amount of blocks to break is 20.
Keyword (notify)
Displays messages to the player each time they progress the objective. Optionally with the notification interval after colon.
This objective is completed by breeding animals of specified type. The first argument is the
animal type and the second argument is the
amount (positive integer). You can add the notify argument to display a message with the remaining amount each time
the animal is bred, optionally with the notification interval after a colon. While you can specify any entity, the
objective will be completable only for breedable ones.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of animals already breed,
left is the amount of animals still needed to breed and total is the amount of animals initially required.
This objective requires the player to put specified items in a specified chest. First argument is a location of the
chest, second argument is a list of items (from items section), separated with a comma. You can also add amount of
items after a colon. The items will be removed upon completing the objective unless you add items-stay optional
argument. By default, only one player can look into the chest at the same time. You can change it by adding the key
To complete this objective the player must craft specified item. First argument is ID of the item, as in the items section.
Next is amount (integer). You can use the notify keyword to display a message each time the player advances the
objective, optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of items already crafted,
left is the amount of items still needed to craft and total is the amount of items initially required.
The enchants that must be added to the item. Enchantment names are different from the vanilla ones. If a level is present, the enchanted level must be equal or bigger then the specified one. Multiple enchants are supported: ARROW_DAMAGE:1,ARROW_FIRE:1
Use one if any enchantment from enchants should complete the objective. Use all if all are required at the same time.
This objective can be completed by reaching the specified amount of experience levels.
You can also define decimal numbers, for example experience 1.5 will complete when the player reaches 1.5 experience levels or more.
If you want to check for an absolute amount of experience points you can convert it to decimal levels.
The objective is checked every time the player gets experience naturally, such as killing mobs or mining blocks.
Additionally, it is checked if the player reaches a new level in any way (vanilla level up, commands or other plugins).
The objective will also imminently complete if the player already has the experience level or more.
And it will also be completed if the player joins the game with the specified amount of experience levels or more.
You can use the notify keyword to display a message each time the player advances the objective,
optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the current amount of experience levels,
left is the amount of experience levels still needed and total is the amount of experience required.
This objective completes itself after certain amount of time.
The player must be online and meet all conditions. If the player is not online the objective is completed on the player's
next login.
Default Value
Any Number
The time after which the objective is completed.
The unit of time. Either minutes, seconds or ticks.
The interval in which the objective checks if the time is up. Measured in ticks. Low values cost more performance but make the objective preciser.
Death objective completes when the player dies meeting all conditions. You can optionally cancel death with cancel
argument. It will heal player and optionally teleport him to respawn location. There can be two arguments: cancel,
which is optional, and respawn:, which is also optional and only used if there is the cancel argument set. You can
add them right after type of objective.
die cancel respawn:100;200;300;world;90;0 events:teleport
The player must click on an entity to complete this objective. The first argument is the type of a click.
Available values are right, left and any.
Second required argument is the mob type.
Next is an amount of mobs required to click on. These must be unique, so the player can't simply click twenty times on
the same zombie to complete it. There is also an optional name: parameter which specifies what custom name the entity must have
(you need to write _ instead of the space character). To check for the real name (e.g. if you renamed players to include
their rank) you can also use realname: instead.
Add marked: if the clicked entity needs to be marked by the spawn event (see its description for marking explanation).
You can also add notify argument to make the objective notify players whenever they click a correct entity,
optionally with the notification interval after colon and cancel if the click shouldn't do what it usually does
(i.e. left click won't hurt the entity). This can be limited with an optional loc and range attribute to limit within a range of a location.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of entities already interacted
with, left is the amount of entities still needed to be interacted with and total is the amount of entities
initially required.
interact right creeper 1 marked:sick condition:syringeInHand cancel
To complete this objective the player needs to kill another player. The first argument is amount of players to kill.
You can also specify additional arguments: name: followed by the name will only accept killing players with this name,
required: followed by a list of conditions separated with commas will only accept killing players meeting these conditions
and notify will display notifications when a player is killed, optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
The kill objective has three properties: left is the amount of players still left to kill, amount is the amount of
already killed players and total is the initially required amount to kill.
This objective completes when player moves in specified range of specified location and meets all conditions. The first
argument after objective's name must be location, the second - radius around the location. It can be a variable.
Location objective contains one property, location. It's a string formatted like X: 100, Y: 200, Z:300.
To complete this objective the player simply needs to login to the server.
If you use global this objective will be also completed directly when a new player joins for the first time.
If you use persistent it will be permanent.
Don't forget that if you use global and persistent you can still remove the objective explicitly.
To complete this objective the player simply needs to leave the server. Keep in mind that running a folder event here
will make it run in "persistent" mode, since the player is offline on the next tick.
This objective requires the player to write a certain password in chat. All attempts of a player will be hidden from public chat.
The password consists of a prefix followed by the actual secret word:
Solution: The Cake is a lie!
^prefix ^secret word(s)
The objective's instruction string is defined as follows:
The first argument is the password, use underscore characters (_) instead of spaces.
The password is a regular expression.
The prefix can be changed: The default (when no prefix is set) is the translated prefix from the messages.yml config in the user's language.
Note that every custom prefix is suffixed with :β , so prefix:Library_password will require the user to enter Library password: myfancypassword.
To disable the prefix use an empty prefix: declaration, e.g. password myfancypassword prefix: events:success.
Be aware of these side effects that come with disabling the prefix:
Nothing will be hidden on failure, so tries will be visible in chat and commands will get executed!
If a command was used to enter the password, the command will not be canceled on success and thus still be executed!
This ensures that even if your password is quest you can still execute the /quest command.
You can also add the ignoreCase argument if you want a password's capitalization to be ignored. This is especially important for regex matching.
If you want to trigger one or more events when the player failed to guess the password you can use the argument fail with a list of events (comma separated).
With disabled prefix every command or chat message will trigger these events!
To complete this objective you need to pickup the specified amount of items.
The first argument must be the internal name of an item defined in the items section. This can also be a comma-separated list of multiple items.
You can optionally add the amount: argument to specify how many of these items the player needs to pickup.
This amount is a total amount though, it does not count per each individual item. You can use the notify keyword to
display a message each time the player advances the objective, optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
You can also add the notify keyword to display how many items are left to pickup.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of items already picked up,
left is the amount of items still needed to pick up and total is the amount of items initially required.
To complete this objective the player needs to brew specified amount of specified potions.
The first argument is a potion ID from the items section. Second argument is amount of potions.
You can optionally add notify argument to make the objective display progress to players,
optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
Progress will be counted for the player who last added or changed an item before the brew process completed. Only newly
created potions are counted.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of potions already brewed,
left is the amount of potions still needed to brew and total is the amount of potions initially required.
To complete this objective the player has to shear specified amount of sheep, optionally with specified color and/or
name. The first, required argument is amount (integer). Optionally, you can add a name: argument to only count specific sheep.
All underscores will be replaced by spaces - if you want to use underscores, put a \ before them.
You can also check for the sheep's color: using these color names.
You can use the notify keyword to display a message each time the player advances the objective,
optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of sheep already sheared,
left is the amount of sheep still needed to shear and total is the amount of sheep initially required.
shear 1 name:Bob color:blackshear 1 name:jeb\_"shear 1 name:jeb\\_"#Use two backslashes if quoted
To complete this objective the player must smelt the specified item. Note that you must define the output item, not the
ingredient. The first argument is the name of a Quest Item.
The second one is the amount (integer).
You can use the notify keyword to display a message each time the player advances the objective,
optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of items already smelted,
left is the amount of items still needed to smelt and total is the amount of items initially required.
The Stage objective is a special objective that can be used to track the progress of a quest or a part of a quest.
It can be completed in two ways, the first one is by increasing the stage more than there are stages defined
and the second one is by completing the objective with the objective event.
The behaviour of completing the objective by increasing the stage can be disabled by setting the preventCompletion flag.
When the conditions of the stage objective are not met, the stage of the player can not be modified.
You can modify the stages with the stage event and check it's state with the stage condition.
Default Value
List of stage names
The stages that must be completed.
Completion Enabled
Prevents the objective from being completed by increasing the stage.
To complete this objective the player has to step on a pressure plate at a given location. The type of plate does not
matter. The first and only required argument is a location. If the pressure plate is not present at that location, the
objective will not be completable and will log errors in the console.
Step objective contains one property, location. It shows the exact location of the pressure plate in a string
formatted like X: 100, Y: 200, Z:300.
To complete this objective player must tame some amount of mobs. First argument is type, second is amount. The mob must
be tamable for the objective to be valid, e.g.: CAT, DONKEY, HORSE, LLAMA, PARROT or WOLF. You
can use the notify keyword to display a message each time the player advances the objective, optionally with the
notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of animals already tamed,
left is the amount of animals still needed to tame and total is the amount of animals initially required.
To complete this objective the player must jump. The only argument is amount. You can use the notify keyword to display a
message each time the player advances the objective, optionally with the notification interval after a colon.
This objective has three properties: amount, left and total. amount is the amount of jumps already done,
left is the amount of jumps still needed and total is the amount of jumps initially required.
To complete this objective the player must execute a specified command. It can be both an existing or a new, custom
command. The first argument is the command text. Use _ in place of spaces for the command. If you need an actual _
in your command, you must escape it using a backslash (\, see example below). The command argument is case-sensitive
and also supports using placeholders. The second required argument is a list of events to execute when the objective is
With this configuration, the command objective requires the player to execute /warp MyName farms to be completed. The
command objective matches from the start of the command that was executed, therefore if the player executed
/warp MyName farms other arguments it would still be completed.
Optional arguments:
ignoreCase: If provided, instructs the objective to ignore case for the command to match.
exact: If provided, requires an exact command match, not just the command start.
cancel: If provided, the objective will cancel the execution of the command on a match. This needs to be enabled to suppress the Unknown Command message when using custom commands.
failEvents: If provided, specifies a list of events to execute if a non-matching command is run and conditions are met.
Sometimes you want to use actual underscores in your command. These will however be replaced with spaces by default.
You can "escape" them using backslashes:
One backslash (\) is required when using no quoting at all (...) or single quotes
('...'). Two backslashes are required (\\) when using double quotes ("...").
The player must equip the specified quest item in the specified slot.
The item must be any quest item as defined in the items section.
Available slot types: HEAD, CHEST, LEGS, FEET.
equip HEAD amazing_helmet events:event1,event2equip CHEST amazing_armor events:event1,event2
This objective is different. You cannot complete it, it will also ignore defined events and conditions. You can start it and that's it.
While this objective is active though, everything the player types in chat (and matches a special pattern) will become a variable.
The pattern is key: value. So if the player types MyFirstVariable: Hello!, it will create a variable called MyFirstVariable, which will resolve as a Hello! string.
These are not global variables, you can access them as objective properties. Let's say you defined this objective as CustomVariable in your objectives.yml file.
You can access the variable in any conversation, event or condition with %objective.CustomVariable.MyFirstVariable% - and in the case of this example, it will resolve to Hello!.
The player can type something else and the variable will change its value. Variables are per-player, so the value of one player's MyFirstVariable
will be different from other players' MyFirstVariable values, depending on what they typed in chat. There is no limit to the amount of variables that can be created and assigned to players.
To remove this objective, use objective delete event - there is no other way.
You can also use variable event to change variables stored in this objective. There is one optional argument, no-chat. If you use it, the objective won't be modified
by what players type in chat which is only useful when you're also using the variable event.