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Quest Items

Item BasicsπŸ”—

Items in BetonQuest are defined in the items section. Each item has an instruction string, similarly to events, conditions etc. Basic syntax is very simple:

item: BLOCK_SELECTOR other arguments...

BLOCK_SELECTOR is a type of the item. It doesn't have to be all in uppercase. Other arguments specify data like name of the item, lore, enchantments or potion effects. There are two categories of these arguments: the ones you can apply to every item and type specific arguments. Examples would be name (for every item type) and text (only in books).

Every argument is used in two ways: when creating an item and when checking if some existing item matches the instruction. The first case is pretty straightforward - BetonQuest takes all data you specified and creates an item, simple as that. Second case is more complicated. You can require some property of the item to exist, other not to exist, or skip this property check altogether. You can also accept an item only if some value (like enchantment level) is greater/less than x. You can use wildcards in the BLOCK_SELECTOR to match multiple types of items.

These are arguments that can be applied to every item:

  • name - the display name of the item. Underscores will be replaced with spaces. You can escape them with \_ and you can also escape the \ with \\_. You can also use & color codes. If you want to specifically say that the item must not have any name, use none keyword.

  • lore - text under the item's name. Default styling of lore is purple and italic. You can escape them with \_ and you can also escape the \ with \\_. You can also use & color codes. To make a new line use ; character. If you require the item not to have a lore at all, use none keyword. By default, lore will match only if all lines are exactly the same. If you want to accept all items that contain specified lines (and/or more lines), add lore-containing argument to the instruction string.

  • enchants - a list of enchantments and their levels. Each enchantment consists of these things, separated by colons:

    • name
    • level (only positive numbers, including zero)

    For example damage_all:3 is Sharpness III. You can specify additional enchantments by separating them with commas.

    You can require the item not to have any enchantments by using none keyword. You can also add +/- character to the enchantment level to make the check require levels greater/less (and equal) than specified. If you don't care about the level, replace the number with a question mark.

    By default, all specified enchantments are required. If you want to check if the item contains a matching enchantment (and/or more enchants), add enchants-containing argument to the instruction string. Each specified enchantment will be required on the item by default unless you prefix its name with none-, for example none-knockback means that the item must not have any knockback enchantment. Do not use none- prefix unless you're using enchants-containing argument, it doesn't make any sense and will break the check!

  • unbreakable - this makes the item unbreakable. You can specify it either as unbreakable or unbreakable:true to require an item to be unbreakable. If you want to check if the item is breakable, use unbreakable:false.

  • custom-model-data - set the custom model data of the item. You have to specify the data value: custom-model-data:3. To check that an item does not have custom model data set no-custom-model-data.

  • flags - item flags that govern the visibility of some item info (comma delimited) including:

    • HIDE_ENCHANTS: Hide the item's enchants
    • HIDE_ATTRIBUTES: Hide attributes like damage
    • HIDE_UNBREAKABLE: Hide the unbreakable of the item state
    • HIDE_DESTROYS: Hide what the item can break or destroy
    • HIDE_PLACED_ON: Hide where the item can be placed
    • HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS: Hide potion effects, book and firework info, map tool tips, banner patters, and enchantments
    • HIDE_DYE: Hide the dye labels on colored leather armor
lore:&2Quest_Item lore-containing
enchants:power:? enchants-containing

Special Item TypesπŸ”—


This applies to a written book and a book and quill.

  • title - the title of a book. All underscores will be replaced with spaces and you can use & color codes. If you want to specifically say that the book must not have any title, use none keyword.

  • author - the author of a book. All underscores will be replaced with spaces, you cannot use color codes here. If you want to specifically say that the book must not have any author, use none keyword.

  • text - the text of the book. All underscores will be replaced with spaces and you can use & color codes. The text will wrap to the next page if amount of characters exceeds journal.chars_per_page setting in config.yml. If you want to manually wrap the page, use | character. To go to new line use \n. Keep in mind that you can't use any spaces here, you must only use underscores (_). This needs to be a single argument, even if it's really long. If you don't want the book to have any text, use none keyword instead.



This applies to potions, splash potions and lingering potions.

  • type - type of a potion. Here's the list of possible types. Do not mistake this for a custom effect, this argument corresponds to the default vanilla potion types.

  • extended - extended property of the potion (you can achieve it in-game by adding redstone). It can be specified as extended or extended:true. If you want to check the potion that is NOT extended, use extended:false.

  • upgraded - upgraded property of the potion (you can achieve it in-game by adding glowstone). It can be specified as upgraded or upgraded:true. If you want to check the potion that is NOT upgraded, use upgraded:false.

  • effects - a list of custom effects. These are independent of the potion type. The effects must be separated by commas. Each effect consists of these things, separated by colons:

    • type (this is different stuff that the link above!)
    • power
    • duration (in seconds)

    An example would be WITHER:2:30, which is a wither effect of level 2 for 30 seconds.

    If you want to target only potions without custom effects, use none keyword. You can target potions with level and time greater/less (and equal) than specified with +/- character after the number. If you don't care about the level/time, you can replace them with question mark.

    By default, all specified effects are required. If you want to check if the potion contains these effects among others, add effects-containing argument to the instruction string. Now if you want to make sure the potion doesn't contain a specific effect, prefix the effect name with none-. Don't use that prefix unless you're also using effects-containing argument, it doesn't make any sense and it will break the check.


effects:none-weakness,invisibility:?:? effects-containing


Player HeadsπŸ”—

  • owner - this is the name of the head owner. It will not use color codes nor replace underscores with spaces. If you want to check for heads without any owner, use none keyword.
  • Use %player% to get the current players head.

Custom HeadsπŸ”—

This applies to heads with custom texture (Base64 encoded).

  • player-id - this is the UUID of the head owner.
  • texture - this is the Base64 encoded JSON for the texture metadata.


On Paper, the metadata will be automatically extracted from an item in your hand when using the item command and produce something like the following item data:


On Spigot/Bukkit, player-id and texture must be manually configured in the item.yml file. It must be in the same format as the example above.

Note: The texture data is Base64 encoded version of the following JSON, which is the same as the minecraft built-in give command and what is available on heads websites:


Leather armorπŸ”—

This applies to all parts of leather armor.

  • color - this is the color of the armor piece. It can be either one of these values, a hexadecimal RGB value prefixed with # character or its decimal representation without the prefix. You can also check if the armor piece doesn't have any color with none keyword.




This applies to fireworks.

  • firework - this is a list of effects of the firework rocket. They are separated by commas. Each effect consists of these things separated by colons:

    • effect type
    • a list of main colors (refer to leather armor colors above for syntax) separated by semicolons
    • a list of fade colors
    • true/false keyword for trail effect
    • true/false keyword for flicker.

    Note the separation characters, this is important: commas separate effects, colons separate effect properties, semicolons separate colors.

    If you want to target fireworks without any effects, use none keyword. If you want to target any effect type, use question mark instead of the effect name. If you don't want the effect to have any main/fade colors, use none keyword in the place of colors. If you don't care about main/fade colors, use question marks in that place. If you don't care about trail/flicker effect, use question marks instead of true/false keyword.

    By default, the check will require all specified effects to be present on the firework. You can check if the firework contains specified effects among others by adding firework-containing argument to the instruction string. To match the item which must not have an effect, prefix the effect name with none- keyword. Don't use that prefix unless you're also using firework-containing argument, it doesn't make any sense and will break the check.

  • power - flight duration of the firework, in levels. You can use +/- character to target greater/less (and equal) levels.

firework:burst:?:none:?:? firework-containing
firework:none-creeper firework-containing

Firework chargesπŸ”—

This applies to firework charges.

  • firework - this is almost the same as fireworks. You can only specify a single effect and the power argument has no effects.


Sometimes you'll want some items to be persistent over death. The quest could be broken if the player loses them. Such an item wouldn't be dropped (on death), instead it would be placed in the player's backpack.

You can add a specific line to an item's lore to make it persistent. It's &2Quest_Item (_ is a space in an item's definition) if your default language is english. The translation of the line can be found in messages.yml if a different default language is configured. It's also possible to change the translation.

Note that this must be an entirely new line in the lore!

important_sword: "DIAMOND_SWORD name:Sword_for_destroying__The_Concrete lore:Made_of_pure_Mithril;&2Quest_Item"

The backpack can be opened with the /backpack command. The inventory window will open, displaying your stored items. The first slot is always the journal, and if you get it, the slot will stay empty. You can transfer quest items back and forth between inventories by clicking on them. Left click will transfer just one item, right click will try to transfer all items. Normal items cannot be stored into the backpack, so it's not an infinite inventory.

If you will ever have more than one page of quest items, the buttons will appear. You can customize those buttons by creating previous_button and next_button items in the items section. Their name will be overwritten with the one defined in messages.yml.

Quest items cannot be dropped in any way other than using them. This way you can create a quest for eating cookies by giving the player a stack of cookies flagged as quest items and not continuing until there are no more cookies in his inventory/backpack. The player cannot drop the cookies, so he must eat every one of them to complete the quest.

Creative Mode

Don't worry if the item-dropping filter isn't working for your items when you're in creative mode - it's not a bug. It's a feature. Creative-mode players should be able to easily put quest items in containers like TreasureChests.