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Bukkit Configurations

API State: Stable


This part of the API is brand-new. It will be changed if there are any bugs, missing features or usability improvements.

It is not recommended relying on this part of the API, it will most likely change.


Our own usage and testing has shown that this part of the API is complete and seems bug free. However, other plugins may have other use cases which are not covered by our testing. Therefore, please go ahead and use this API part. Let us know if there are missing features or bugs. This API part will be changed if there are more bugs, missing features or usability improvements.

Please use this part of the API and give us feedback!


Both our own and third party testing showed that this part of the API is complete. Only bugs and major conceptual problems would lead to more changes.

This part of the API should be safe to use. We try to keep it compatible with previous versions if changes are needed.

We implemented multiple different org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection's and Configuration's to make it easier to work with configurations and to implement some new features.

We have the following implementations:


Basically a wrapper for a ConfigurationSection simply delegating all calls to the wrapped section. In that way, you can override specific methods without having to override all methods for custom implementations. Mainly used for internal purposes, but can be used to create even more custom implementations.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.ConfigurationSectionDecorator


Based on Decorator. Handles any modifications to the configuration and wraps all values that are an instance of ConfigurationSection with the same implementation. This should prevent any modifications to the configuration that are not done through the handler. This is the implementation actually used to create more custom implementations.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.handle.HandleModificationConfiguration
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.handle.HandleModificationConfigurationSection


Based on Handle. Makes the configuration unmodifiable. This means no values can be added, removed or modified. Also, no new Sections can be created. All modifications throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.unmodifiable.UnmodifiableConfiguration
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.unmodifiable.UnmodifiableConfigurationSection


Based on Handle. This configuration does only create a MemorySection that is not registered to the parent, until a value is set. This means it can be read without creating a new section in the parent configuration.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.lazy.LazyConfigurationSection


This is a configuration buildup from two ConfigurationSection's. One is the original where all modifications are done, and the other one is the fallback configuration. The fallback configuration is used to look up values that are not contained in the original configuration. This is useful for default values or global configurations.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.fallback.FallbackConfiguration
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.fallback.FallbackConfigurationSection


This is not a ConfigurationSection of bukkit, it is an additional interface. This interface adds methods to manage configs that are build from multiple ConfigurationSection's. The MultiSectionConfiguration is an implementation of this interface that implements a merging method that does not allow any conflicting values resulting in a KeyConflictException. If mismatching states or settings are found in one ConfigurationSection a InvalidSubConfigurationException is thrown.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.multi.MultiConfiguration
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.multi.MultiSectionConfiguration
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.multi.KeyConflictException
  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.multi.InvalidSubConfigurationException

Multi FallbackπŸ”—

This is a Fallback configuration that also implements the MultiConfiguration interface. In this way, a multi configuration can have the advantage of a fallback configuration to look up values that are not contained in the original configuration.

  • org.betonquest.betonquest.api.bukkit.config.custom.multi.fallback.MultiFallbackConfiguration