Updating BetonQuestπ
BetonQuest has a comfortable Auto-Updater, that you can use without any problem, but there are some things that you need to be aware of. Alternatively you can install updated manual by your self.
Read the update section to correctly set up the Auto-Updater.
For a production/live system it is recommended to disable automatic updates
and to check out the CHANGELOG before you execute /q update
for manual updates.
Updating BetonQuest
If you update BetonQuest from a previous Major version you should check what you need to update manually.
From 1.X to 2.X you should read the Migration-1-2 guide.
From 2.X to 3.X you should read the Migration-2-3 guide.
Understanding Versioningπ
A plugin version is a number that consists of three parts in the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
Example: 2.4.3
When we release a new version of BetonQuest we will change these numbers in a specific way. Each number has a fixed meaning, that is explained in the following table.
Digit | MAJOR (2) |
MINOR (4) |
PATCH (3) |
Bug Fixes | |||
New Features | |||
Breaking Changes |
Choose an Update Strategyπ
Valid update strategies are: MAJOR
strategy are really safe to use, even on a production/live system. You will receive bugfixes and new
features, that will not have an impact on your existing stuff. MAJOR
strategy is not recommended for production/live
systems, they can break everything. For a test system, you need to decide weather you want to stay on the latest version
with MAJOR
or you want to be more stable.
By adding the _DEV
suffix to the update strategy, you also download dev-builds for the corresponding version.
Dev-builds can contain everything: Bug fixes and new features, but also new bugs or even worse it beaks something, so
don't use this on a production/live system without checking out the changes.
Enable or Disable automatic updatesπ
Apart from the version you also have to choose if you want BetonQuest to update automatically or only after
confirmation. Having automatic updates enabled is handy for PATCH
but risky on MAJOR
Automatic updates for any _DEV
version are dangerous as these can contain very severe bugs. Only use this for test
Disabling automatic updates still allows the use of /q update
Backups and Restoringπ
Creating Backupsπ
After a manual or automatic update BetonQuest might update some quest packages or the database to a new format. If a
file or the database is touched, an automatic backup will be created and is saved as a zip file to BetonQuest/Backups/
to prevent losing your work due to errors.
A backup can also be created manually by running the backup command.
Restoring Backupsπ
You find your backups as zip file in the folder BetonQuest/Backups/
containing every configuration and a dump of you
database. To restore a chosen backup stop your server, delete all the files in the folder BetonQuest/
except BetonQuest/Backups/
, and replace them with the files from the chosen backup zip file and start your server
If you only want to restore the database then stop your server, only delete the existing database file and extract the database backup file from the zip archive and start your server again.