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About Scripting

BetonQuest's quests do not have a predefined structure and can be freely designed. This is made possible by a powerful quest scripting language.

Quest Structure with a Traditional Quest Plugin

   flowchart TD
       A[Quest Starts] --> B[Spy on Rebels]
       B --> C[Inform King]
       C --> D[Quest Ends]

     style D fill:#16a349,stroke:#16a349

This is the most common quest structure. The player is given a linear quest and has to complete it. There is no way to influence the outcome of the quest.

The capabilities of the quest plugin cannot be used outside of these linear quests.

Quest Structure with BetonQuest

   flowchart TD
      A[Quest Starts] --> B[Spy on Rebels]
      B--> C[Decision: Inform King]
      B--> D[Decision: Betray King]

      C --> E[King rewards you]

      D --> F[Hunt the King down]
      F --Too slow--> H[Quest Fails]
      F --In Time--> G[You become King]

      style G fill:#16a349,stroke:#16a349
      style E fill:#16a349,stroke:#16a349
      style H fill:#ed1c24,stroke:#ed1c24

BetonQuest's quests can have any structure you want! Your imagination is the only limit!

You can make anything from simple grind quests to complex story quests with dozends of player decisions and side quests. You can easily create different quest outcomes or story endings!

Additionally, BetonQuest's features can be used outside of accepted quests. You can use them to create a world that feels alive and reacts to a player's actions.

   flowchart TD
      A[Quest Starts] --> B[Gather Information about the Dragon]
      B--> C[Ignore wounded NPC]
      B--> D[Help wounded NPC to\n recieve secret information]

      C--> E[Harder Dragon Fight]
      D--> X[Easier Dragon Fight]

      E--You Die--> H[Quest Fails]
      X--You Die--> H[Quest Fails]

      E--Dragon Killed--> W[Quest Completed]
      X--Dragon Killed--> W[Quest Completed]

      style W fill:#16a349,stroke:#16a349
      style H fill:#ed1c24,stroke:#ed1c24

Building BlocksπŸ”—

The BetonQuest scripting language is based on a few basic building blocks which are outlined in the following sections. They can be freely combined to create any quest you want. All of these are defined using an instruction text.

Intstruction Text Example
conditions: #(1)!
  myCondition: "health 10" #(2)!
  myEvent: "hunger set 20"
  myObjective: "mobkill ZOMBIE 10"
  1. Every building block is defined in its own section. In this case, the section's content is a condition.
  2. myCondition is the name of this condition. The instruction text is health 10. This is a condition which checks if the player has 10 health.


In certain moments you will want something to happen. Updating the journal, setting tags, giving rewards, all these are done using events. You define them by specifying a name and instruction string like shown above. At the end of the instruction string you can add the conditions: (with or without s at the end) attribute followed by a list of condition names separated by commas, like conditions:angry,!quest_started. This will make an event fire only when these conditions are met.

Explore all Events


Objective are goals that player must complete. At first, they must be started for a player with the objective event. When the player completes the objective, all defined events are run. For example, you could reward the player by giving them an item.

You define them in the objectives section as shown above. At the end of the instruction text you can add conditions and events for the objective. Conditions will limit when the objective can be completed (e.g. killing zombies only at given location), and events will fire when the objective is completed (e.g. giving a reward, or setting a tag which will enable collecting a reward from an NPC). You define these like that: conditions:con1,con2 events:event1,event2 at the end of instruction text. Separate them by commas and never use spaces! You can also use the singular forms of these arguments: condition: and event:.

If you want to start an objective right after it was completed you can add the persistent argument at the end of its instruction string. For example, you could create a custom respawn system with a die objective. When the player dies, they will be teleported to the spawnpoint and the die objective will be started again. The persistent argument prevents the objective from being completed, although it will run all its events. To cancel such an objective you need to use objective delete event.

  mineDiamonds: 'block DIAMONDS -10 events:reward'
  die: 'die cancel respawn:100;200;300;world;90;0 events:sendRespawnMessage conditions:hasCustomTotem'

Global objectivesπŸ”—

If you want an objective to be active for every player right after joining, you can create a global objective. This is done by adding global argument to the instruction of the objective. When you then reload BetonQuest it is started for all online players and also will be started for every player who joins.

Possible use cases would be a quest which starts if a player reaches a specific location or breaks a specific block.

To prevent the objective from being started every time a player joins, a tag is set for the player whenever the objective is started. With this tag, the objective will not be started again.
These tags follow the syntax <package>.global-<id>, where <id> is the objectives id and <package> the package where the objective is located.

  startQuestByMining: 'location 100;200;300;world 5 events:start_quest_mine_folder global'


Use with caution!

The updating behaviour of already started objectives might change in BetonQuest 3. Perhaps variable changes will be reflected in the amount of an active objective. This is not the case right now.

Objectives support variables for their amount options. When the objective is started for a player, the amount is set to the variable's current value. The amount of an active objective will not be updated if the variable changes. Also, when the variable contains an invalid value for the given objective (e.g. a negative value) a default value of 1 is used.

  killMonsters: 'mobkill ZOMBIE %math.calc:(100-{point.reputation.amount})*2% events:endSiege'
  breakObsidian: 'block OBSIDIAN %randomnumber.whole.-60~-40% events:dailyReward'
  eatSteak: 'consume steak amount:%randomnumber.whole.2~6% events:health_boost'

Explore all Objectives


Conditions allow you to control what options are available to players in conversations, how the NPC responds or if the objective will be completed. They check if a given in-game state is present and return true or false as a result.

You can negate the condition (revert its output) by adding an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of its name. This only works in the place where conditions are used, i.e. in conversations, not in the conditions section). If you do so, make sure to enclose the condition in quotes, otherwise YAML will give you a syntax error.

  hasFullHealth: "health 20"
  helpWithHealing: "hunger set 20 conditions:!hasFullHealth"

Explore all Conditions


Tags are little pieces of text you can assign to player. They are particularly useful to determine if player has started or completed quest. They are given with tag event and checked with tag condition. All tags are bound to a package, so if you add the questCompleted tag from within a package named monsterQuest, the tag will look like monsterQuest.questCompleted.

Read working across packages to learn how to work with tags across packages.


Points are numbers that can be assigned to a player. You can set them with the point event. you want. You can also take the points away, even to negative numbers. Of course then you can check if player has (or doesn't have) certain amount with the point condition. They can be used as counter for specific number of quest done, as a reputation system in villages or even an NPC's attitude to player.